Daily Bread Content


Date : Mar 18, 2025
Passage : 2Kings 2:12~25
Keyverse : 15

Elisha witnessed the glory of the Lord when Elijah was taken up to heaven. He tore his clothes and began his new life. He picked up Elijah’s cloak, returned to the Jordan and asked, “Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” He struck the waters, just as Elijah had, and the waters parted. The God of Elijah was present., and the spirit of Elijah indeed was resting now on Elisha. The accompanying prophets wanted to search for Elijah, thinking the Lord may have taken him to a mountain or valley somewhere. But Elisha told them not to go. The Lord was now ministering through Elisha.

Elisha came to a town that was situated in a wonderful place, but whose water was foul. Elisha brought healing to the water and to the town. The Lord worked through Elisha to bring healing and life.

There were some who made fun of the prophet and mocked him. Elisha rebuked them for disrespecting his God. Elisha came to restore honor to the God of Israel. He had received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. He used it for the restoration of God’s people.
Application: Lord, help me to carry on the work of God. Help me to serve God’s purpose and pray for the healing and restoration of our nation.
One Word: Minister with God’s Spirit