When the original, glorious temple was built in the days of King Solomon, the whole nation was involved. Even nations outside of Judah participated in the construction of the temple by bringing cut timber to be used in the building. But the building of the temple at the time of the returned remnant was to be done by a very few people. When they repented at Haggai’s word and started again to build the temple, they were discouraged because it looked so pitiful. There was no way, they thought, it would ever compare to the glory of the original temple. But the Lord taught them it is not outside appearance that is important. What mattered was that the glory of the Lord imbibed the temple. The temple was more than gold and silver; it was the sign that the Lord’s Presence was with them.
According to the Law, they were defiled because of sin. Yet the Lord from that day on, would come to them and bless them. He would consecrate them and purify them.
Application: Father, you are glorious God. May your glory fill the temple of our hearts each and every moment. Come to us, cleanse us, and bless us.
One Word: Seek God’s glory