When Nebuchadnezzar saw his royal city Babylon, he praised his own glory, majesty, and power. Then, judgment was pronounced from heaven, and he was stripped of all his glory. He became insane and lived among the wild animals eating grass for 7 years. The emperor resembled an eagle with his long, white, unkempt hair and beard cascading down and unclipped nails. Finally, he looked up to heaven and surrendered to God. His sanity was restored, and he praised God and gave glory to him.
Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that God does what he pleases, and no one can stop his hand or question his authority. Then, his nobles sought him out and restored him to his throne, and he was greater than before. But he learned his lesson to only praise and exalt God who does what is right. He also learned that God humbles the proud. What a hard way to learn!
Let’s be humble and praise God when we see our own version of Babylon. May we guard our lips and hearts to praise only Jesus for his love and his righteousness and devote ourselves to do good (He 13:15,16).
Application: Father, please forgive my proud lips and help me to exalt you only.
One Word: God humbles the proud and raises up the humble