Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 14, 2025
Passage : Genesis 7:1~24
Keyverse : 23

The LORD found Noah righteous in his generation. He told Noah to take his whole family, as well as every kind of animal and bird, clean and unclean, into the ark. After seven days, the LORD was going to send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights and wipe away, from the face of the earth, every living creature. Noah did all that the LORD commanded.

The floodwaters came to earth, and for forty days, the flood kept rising on the earth. Every living thing that moved on the ground perished. But Noah, and all who were with him in the ark, were saved. Noah’s life, obedience, and faith not only spared himself, but his entire family and those that followed. Our lives of faith can bear fruit for others to be saved. This passage illustrates what God ultimately did for mankind. We each deserve punishment because of our wickedness, rebellion, and sin. But God gave His One and Only Son Jesus Christ so that those who would believe in him would not perish but be saved and receive eternal life (Jn 3:16).
Application: Father, thank you for saving me from eternal judgement by sending Your Son. May I live by faith and obedience to You alone. Even through my own life, may many others put their faith in Jesus and be saved.
One Word: Live by faith and be saved through Jesus Christ