Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 04, 2025
Passage : Genesis 1:26~31
Keyverse : 27

On the sixth day, God made mankind in his own image. Each and every person bears the image of God. Whether one is a man or woman, Jew or Palestinian, conservative or liberal, Black or White, straight or gay, rich or poor, or any other variety of human being, each person bears the image of God that cannot be taken away from them.

When we choose to see each and every person as a child of God, rather than a stereotype, we can begin to seek that which is holy and worthy of love and respect in each person. We can start listening to each other with empathy, collaborating, and caring for those in need. Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40).

God is love, and each person is made to love and be loved. In God’s love, he entrusted us with the beauty and riches of the earth to grow and fill the earth and be good stewards of all of His creation.
Application: Creator God, I am your child and image bearer whom you love and delight in. Help me to love all your creation with your love bestowed on me.
One Word: It was very good.