Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 31, 2024
Passage : Matthew 11:25~30
Keyverse : 28

Jesus praises the Father for revealing heavenly truth not to the sophisticated with human knowledge but to those who have simple hearts like little children (Mt 19:14). The good news of grace and truth offended the proud but saved those who were seeking, not being able to find a true home in the world (Jn 15:19).

The world may not know it, but the disciples were truly privileged as they were chosen to experience Jesus firsthand. They grew to know him. They also came to know the heavenly secrets: the love of God, his attributes, and the great plans he was carrying out to save his people.

We believers may be weary and burdened as we are mistreated by the world. Yet Jesus invites us to come and take rest in him. We can exchange the burden of our human agonies and share in Jesus’ burden to feed his sheep (John 21:15-17). While the beating from the world is harsh and soul-grinding, taking up Jesus’ burden and sharing in his suffering quenches our souls' desire to be right before God (1 Peter 2:20). What do you say to Jesus’ invitation today?
Application: Father, thank you for revealing the heavenly truth to me. I want to exchange the weariness in my heart with the love you have for your people. Guide me to have rest in you.
One Word: His yoke is easy, and burden is light