Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 29, 2024
Passage : Ruth 4:1~22
Keyverse : 14

Boaz went to the town gate to find the man who had the first right to redeem Ruth’s late husband’s family. The man showed interest in buying the property of Naomi and Ruth but did not want to take the responsibility of taking Ruth, the Moabite woman, as his wife to redeem Naomi and her late husband’s family. He agreed to turn the duty and right to Boaz in front of the witnessing elders.

Having taken care of all legal and customary matters, Boaz brought Ruth home as his wife. Ruth gave birth to a son, whom they named Obed, meaning ‘servant of God’. This child later became the father of Jesse who was father of King David. As Naomi embraced this child and cared for him as her grandson, her bitter sorrow turned to joy. Ruth loved and comforted her in a way that no son could have done (15).

This chapter shows the blessings that godly people received. Boaz received a godly woman as his wife. Ruth was redeemed by a kind and providing husband. Naomi received a grandchild and saw God’s provision in her life. We receive numerous gifts when we choose to honor God. And the greatest among all is Jesus, the Redeemer.
Application: Father, thank you for giving me this new life in Jesus. I praise your name for this redemption.
One Word: God renews and sustains life