Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 25, 2024
Passage : Matthew 2:1~12
Keyverse : 11

The Magi are believed to be a group of astrologers who traveled from Egypt or Babylonia. They saw an unusual star indicating the birth of the King of the Jews, the Messiah, and traveled a long way following the star to worship him. As they came to Jerusalem, they lost the star and came to Herod the King, expecting to find the whereabouts of the Messiah. Herod was disturbed at the news of the Messiah’s birth. However, with the help of scholars, he found the scriptural indication that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Herod had the resources and power to find Jesus but did not have any intention to worship him.

As the Magi went on their way, they were overjoyed to find the star that led them to where young Jesus was with his mother. They bowed to the child and presented the precious gifts they had brought with them. Afterward, they were warned not to go back to Herod. Instead of giving in to the lie of Herod, who told them to report the exact location of the Messiah so he would also worship, they took another route to go home.

The Magi’s quest ended in blessing. Do you want to join the Magi to see Jesus and worship him from your heart? Are you willing to gift him your treasure?
Application: Father, my heart is filled with joy to receive Jesus, my Savior. I worship him with my all.
One Word: Worship the Messiah!