Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 24, 2024
Passage : Matthew 1:18~25
Keyverse : 24

Mary, the mother of Jesus, had been pledged to be married to Joseph when he found she had conceived. This was done by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38), but Joseph did not know. As a law-abiding man, he could not continue with this marriage as planned. Yet he was also a kind man. He did not want to expose Mary to public disgrace (Dt 22:21). He considered divorcing her quietly to solve the problem.

But an angel of the Lord appeared in his dream and assured him of Mary’s faithfulness. Not only had she been faithful to him, but the child she conceived by the Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of God’s promise—the Messiah who would save his people from their sins (21)!

By believing in the Lord's words and obeying his commands, Joseph’s agony turned into a blessing—probably a blessing different from what he had expected, but something much more. He was to bring Mary home, who was carrying the Messiah, as his wife, and protect her as well as the child. Do you need courage to obey the will of God? Would you turn to his words to be freed from your agony and gain the strength to trust him today?
Application: Father, your word is a lamp to my feet. Please guide me in doing your will today.
One Word: Do not be afraid