Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 21, 2024
Passage : Isaiah 7:1~25
Keyverse : 14

King Ahaz shook with fear when Aram joined forces with Israel to defeat Judah. God sent Isaiah a message to Ahaz to tell him not to be afraid because what he fears will not happen. He also warned him that if he doesn’t stand firm, he will not stand at all. Though God graciously gave Ahaz such a great promise, he had no faith. So Isaiah told him to ask for a sign, any sign from God to help him believe. Ahaz said that he will not put God to the test. He acted super spiritual, but he was too proud to believe God’s promise over his fears.

So, God himself gave Ahaz the sign of a virgin giving birth to a son. This son would be called Immanuel, which means God with us. God himself would be born into this dark work to be with his people and to assure them of God’s promise to give them the final victory over sin and death. This is God’s gracious gift to us. We often are like Ahaz and are stuck in our fears and unbelief. Instead, we need to repent and believe God’s promise to send his Son Immanuel to be with us.

In the remainder of the chapter, Isaiah foretold the invasions of the land by powerful nations of Egypt and Assyria. Unbelief has its consequences.
Application: Father, thank you for your gracious sign of a son born of a virgin, Immanuel, to be God with us.
One Word: Trust in Immanuel, God with us!