Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 19, 2024
Passage : Ezekiel 46:19~47:12
Keyverse : 47:12

The end of chapter 46 describes the back of the temple facing west where the priests cooked the sacrifices. There were also ovens in each of the corners that served as kitchens. The temple was orderly and functional. It shows that the sacrifices were done far away from the front entrance facing east where the prince entered. Everything gave glory to God and centered around him. There was no more corruption nor turning God’s house into a den of robbers.

Chapter 47 describes the river of life flowing from the temple’s south gate from the altar and around the front by the east gate. From there, it flowed deep and wide and turned the world into Paradise. This vision reveals God’s glorious hope for all creation to be restored to the Garden of Eden. We need to have this hope in our hearts to steer our life direction to live for God’s kingdom. Where is your hope?

Verse 12 says that the life-giving water from the river would bear all kinds of fruits, which would serve for food. Also, their leaves would provide healing. What a beautiful vision! No more hunger. No more suffering or pain. Praise Jesus!
Application: Father, thank you for giving us real hope to worship you in Paradise. Please give me this glorious hope in my heart today to direct my life.
One Word: A glorious hope for Paradise to be restored