Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 18, 2024
Passage : Ezekiel 46:1~18
Keyverse : 1

Verse 1 commands that on six days the gate to the inner courts should be closed, but on the Sabbath Day, it should be opened. This reflects Genesis 2:2, when God finished his work in 6 days, rested on the 7th day, and blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. The 4th commandment of the Ten Commandments also orders us to remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy. This is a testing stone of our faith. In the holy city, the Sabbath is to be honored absolutely. Are you keeping the Sabbath holy to God?

The prince would lead the worship in the inner courts. He would stand at the gatepost and offer fellowship offerings. The priests would perform the sacrifices, and the people would worship with grain offerings in gratitude for all God’s provisions. The prince would make costly sacrifices to honor God. This vision portrays the order, unity, and devotion of perfect corporate worship. This heavenly church is a great and beautiful hope for all creation.
Application: Father, thank you for giving us real hope to be a community that worships you perfectly with gratitude.
One Word: Worship the Lord