Daily Bread Content


Date : Oct 29, 2024
Passage : Zechariah 12:1~14
Keyverse : 8

This is a prophecy concerning Israel and Jerusalem. The LORD God who created the heavens and the earth and gives the spirit in a person declares that Jerusalem will cause the surrounding nations to stagger. When all nations gather against her, Jerusalem will be like an immovable rock. On that day, the feeblest and weakest among them will be like David. The house of David shall be like God. On that day, God will destroy all nations that come against Jerusalem.

God will pour out a spirit of grace and supplication on that day. On that day, they will look on him, one whom they pierced. They will also mourn for him as one mourns for an only child.

As God prophesied through Zechariah, he sent his son Jesus to be our atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was pierced for our transgressions. Jesus, the firstborn of all mankind, died on the cross to redeem us from our sins. Jesus is an immovable rock that no one can move. In Jesus, the feeblest sinner will be strong like David. When we mourn for Jesus, who was hung on the cross in our place, we will receive salvation, and will be used as mighty warriors of God.
Application: Lord, thank you for making us mighty warriors in Jesus.
One Word: The feeblest among them will be like David