Daily Bread Content


Date : Oct 20, 2024
Passage : Zechariah 3:1~10
Keyverse : 8b-9

In Zechariah’s fourth vision, he saw Joshua the high priest standing before an angel and beside Satan. Satan was there to accuse Joshua. Joshua was a sinner. Satan had many reasons to accuse Joshua of being unqualified to serve God. But the LORD rebuked Satan. As God had chosen Jerusalem, so he had snatched Joshua from the fire to serve him as high priest.

Joshua’s filthy clothes symbolized his spiritual filthiness. He could not represent the people before God. He could not clean his own clothes. But God told the angel to take off Joshua’s filthy clothes and put fine garments on him. God put a clean turban on his head. God cleansed Joshua. If Joshua obeyed the LORD Almighty, he could serve the people as high priest at the temple.

Zechariah’s vision of Joshua looked forward to an even greater high priest who did not need to be cleansed – the Branch. The Branch is Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, the high priest had a stone on his clothing that symbolized the priest’s authority to bear the sin of the people. Jesus Christ would not only come to bear our sins; he removed our sins in a single day when he died on the cross. All who believe in Jesus have their sins removed.
Application: Father, thank you for Jesus our high priest who removed our sins in a single day!
One Word: Jesus is our true high priest.