Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 30, 2024
Passage : 2Samuel 14:18~33
Keyverse : 24

Per the woman’s and Joab’s wish, King David ordered Joab to bring David’s son Absalom back. But on one condition. David said, “He must not see my face.” Although David let Absalom return, he did not completely forgive him. He refused to see his son’s face and talk to him.

This was a dark time in David’s history. When David ran from Saul, he always inquired of God and talked with God. But here, there was no deep communication with God. In fact, there was no mention of God at all in the past few chapters. It seems the attitude was: Whatever happens, let it happen.

When God is taken out, there is only chaos. May we invite God into our lives today. May he lead and guide us. May he give us wisdom, moment by moment. When we follow our God, Jesus our Good Shepherd, he leads us to green pasture and beside quiet waters.

If David relied on God in these times, surely, God would have given him abundant wisdom and provision, especially regarding his son.
Application: Lord, help us to follow you each day.
One Word: God is our true source of wisdom