Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 28, 2024
Passage : 2Samuel 13:23~39
Keyverse : 30

After Tamar was raped by Amnon, Absalom began to plot his revenge to kill Amnon. He planned a great feast and asked King David to send Ammon. Just as David had sent Tamar to Ammon, David sent Amnon to Absalom. Although David inquired of God in many great battles, he failed to inquire of God in everyday matters as well.

When Amnon was high in spirit from wine, Absalom ordered his men to kill him. This news reached the king, and Absalom fled.

David’s sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) bore consequences. His sons acted the same way he did, committing adultery and murder. Once sin entered his life, it did not stay quietly in a corner. It grew until it also devoured his household. Who can rescue us from this endless agony caused by sin?

Only Jesus, by his blood shed on the cross, can break sin’s cycle, make us clean, and renew us.

We sometimes struggle with the same sin, over and over, and despair in front of the power of sin and our weaknesses. But Jesus has overcome the world with his death on the cross (Jn 16:33). As we approach Jesus daily, he will free us from the bondage of sins and make us anew.
Application: Jesus, help us come near to you through your words each day.
One Word: Jesus frees us from our sins