Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 27, 2024
Passage : 2Samuel 13:1~22
Keyverse : 15

Amnon, son of David, fell in love with Tamar, his half-sister. Instead of listening to the voice of God, Amnon listened to his advisor Jonadab, a shrewd man.

Amnon, at the advice of Jonadab, made Tamar serve him while he pretended to be sick. The proper way to arrange marriage with Tamar was through the king. However, Amnon did not follow the right steps to marriage. Rather, filled with the lust, he raped Tamar.

The result of lust was not greater love but “intense hatred” (15). Surely, this is not the love of God. God’s love is perfect. God’s love is steadfast. God sacrificed himself to atone for our sins. Selfish love can transform in an instant, leaving one full of hatred and desolation.

Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us to the point of dying on the cross for our sins. Help us practice the love of Christ rather than a love driven by our selfish and changing emotions and feelings.
Application: Lord, help us to practice the love of Christ.
One Word: Christ died for our sins