Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 26, 2024
Passage : 2Samuel 12:16~31
Keyverse : 25

The consequences of David’s adultery were not theoretical, but visceral: fasting and weeping. David suffered for seven days with his child’s illness and eventual death. David’s servants feared what David would do. But now that his relationship was restored to God through repentance, he was not destroyed by the devastating news. He washed, went to the LORD and worshiped, then came home and ate. He had pleaded for God’s mercy, but no longer demanded his own way; he knew one day he would meet his son again in God.

God did not hold a grudge against David and Bathsheba. His forgiveness was not conditional. When Solomon was born, God loved the boy so much he gave him the name Jedidiah, “loved by the LORD.” God also gave David a new opportunity to defeat the Ammonites, which he should have done in the first place. David took the crown of their god-king, and the Ammonites were subdued.

We cannot change the past. But we learn from David to repent our sins and receive God’s forgiveness in the cross. Then we face the present in the grace and mercy of God, responding in worship and obedience. Our future is full of hope.
Application: Father, thank you for the refreshing power of repentance, and your forgiveness in Jesus.
One Word: God comforts those who repent