Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 19, 2024
Passage : 2Samuel 7:18~29
Keyverse : 22

Upon hearing God’s message through Nathan, David sat before the LORD – learning to dwell in God’s presence. Previously he spoke about the Lord; now David addresses God personally (17x by name, another 40 by pronoun!) God’s answer of “no” to David’s plans reminded David of his place under God, and how blessed he had been by God, let alone that God was preparing an even greater future for David’s family and kingdom!

It takes courage to sit before God in worship and praise, when we often feel there is so much to be done. But as David reflected on God’s greatness, he came to realize that everything great was not done by David or people, but God himself – who redeemed Israel for Himself through great and awesome wonders, establishing them forever. Even the promise of blessing to David’s family would only further cement the greatness of God in the world, so David no longer puts forth plans to do something for God, but rather prays: “Do as you promised, so that your name will be great forever”.

The Sovereign LORD’s covenant is trustworthy. All that he promised to David he fulfilled in Jesus. We are the ones blessed in his house forever.
Application: Father, thank you for keeping your promise by which I am eternally blessed. Remind me of my place before you so I may never despise the blessing of entering your presence through Jesus.
One Word: Sit before the Lord in worship