Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 18, 2024
Passage : 2Samuel 7:1~17
Keyverse : 5

David was a man of action, always looking to the next task. It upset him that God dwelled in a tent while he lived in a palace. Building a house for God seemed such an obvious endeavor, even Nathan was happy to support David’s desire. But neither of them thought to ask God’s opinion.

That night God revealed his heart to them in a long testimony highlighting not what David did or would do, but all that God was doing – not only for David, but for Israel and all of humanity! While building a house for God would keep David and Israel busy, it would distract from what God was doing through David: establishing a kingdom that would bless all people for all time. Ultimately, this points to Jesus’ coming as our Messiah, our Savior King. God’s vision is an eternal kingdom where he may dwell with redeemed humanity forever!

Are we taking time to pray and ask God for his bigger purposes in our life? The house of God is not the temple built by Solomon, but the church (1Ti 3:15; Eph 2:19, et.al.), the body of Christ, in which we each have a role that Jesus has chosen us to fulfill (Jn 15:16). The lasting fruit is not what I do for God, but what God is doing through me.
Application: Father, thank you for this reminder of all you have accomplished through Jesus in my life. Help me have eyes to see your greater purposes.
One Word: God’s eternal kingdom in Jesus