Daily Bread Content


Date : Sep 08, 2024
Passage : John 21:15~25
Keyverse : 15

Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love me?” He followed it up with, “Feed my sheep”. Jesus was not trying to have Peter prove his love for him. Jesus wants us to know that the way of loving him is not just through being with him, but through practicing the way of love that Jesus demonstrated. The more we love like Jesus did, the more we can experience Jesus’ presence and grow in deeper communion with God.

As a shepherd cares for a sheep, we have a duty to love and care for the lost and weary. We can do this not with a sense of superiority, but as one who was lost and found by Jesus; one who was extended mercy and given a love that wells up inside our souls and overflows to others around us. This love cries with those who are lost and rejoices with those who find new life. This love washes one another’s feet. This love finds meaning not through personal achievement, but through serving the least of those among us. Jesus came to love us that we may love one another. What a beautiful life that extends beyond the shadow of death!
Application: Lord, you gave your life for me while I was still lost in my sin. May I believe in you and practice the love you displayed so beautifully.
One Word: Feed my sheep