Mary Magdalene lingered after the disciples left and wept outside the tomb. While she was crying Jesus appeared, but she didn’t recognize him. Thinking he was the gardener, Mary asked about Jesus’ body. It wasn’t until Jesus called her by name that she knew it was Jesus who found her.
Meeting risen Jesus can be unexpected, maybe even unbelievable, but we can meet him knowing that he lives to find us in our darkness, to give us renewed hope and meaning. Things may not be the same as they were before, but risen Jesus reveals to us that death is not the end and that darkness shall not prevail.
It is notable that John records the importance of women among Jesus’ followers. Mary was the first witness of risen Jesus, and she was also entrusted to be the first to share the message of the resurrection. That is why Mary is called the Apostle to the Apostles.
Application: Lord, thank you for not leaving us in our despair. You have risen to give us new life. Help us to hear your voice calling out our name and to believe.
One Word: Risen Jesus calls you by name