Daily Bread Content


Date : Apr 12, 2024
Passage : Proverbs 29:1~27
Keyverse : 25

This chapter warns about many ways that we fall into the traps of sin and ruin our lives. However, those who trust in the Lord will be kept safe; this is a great and powerful promise. We need to believe it from our hearts and live according to it. Then, when God sees everything that’s going on in the world, he brings justice to those who trusted in him. But the rebellious end up broken beyond healing. They suffer from shame and lose all they have.

We must give young people the vision to trust God, to seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to them as well (Matt 6:33). We must train others and our children until their eyes are open to live by God’s promise. Included here are many other warnings against being proud, stealing, getting angry, and being unfair. The world is a scary place, and we are tempted to be like the people of the world. Let’s trust in the Lord, and he will keep us safe. He will bring about his justice for his people.
Application: Father, thank you for keeping me safe as I trust in you. Help me to seek you and your justice.
One Word: Those who trust in the Lord are safe