Daily Bread Content


Date : Dec 29, 2022
Passage : 1John 5:1~12
Keyverse : 4

When we have faith in Jesus as the Christ, we are born of God. This faith is expressed in loving God and obeying his commands. His commands are not burdensome, because our faith in Jesus enables us to overcome the world and to have victory. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world!

Our faith in Jesus is backed by three witnesses: the water (Jesus' baptism and John's witness), the blood (Jesus' death and the witnesses who saw it), and the Holy Spirit, who came on Jesus like a dove. When we believe in Jesus by faith, we have eternal life in him. This is the greatest victory! We have overcome sin and death and will receive eternal life in Jesus. Our faith in Jesus makes us the real victors in life!

People without faith in Jesus as the Son of God live under the power of death. They suffer under guilt and condemnation. They feel defeated no matter what they achieve or do. They look like victors for a moment in this fleeting world, but ultimately, they face death and then judgment. They lost the moment they rejected Jesus.

Application: Father, thank you for giving us eternal life through Jesus. Help me to have faith in Him and win the victory over this world.
One Word: Faith in Jesus is the victory that overcomes the world