1. The LORD is my strength and defense (1-11)
Moses and all Israel sang praises to God for his deliverance from the boastful, bloodthirsty Egyptians (9). The LORD is our true strength, defense and salvation, worthy of our praise (2). The LORD is a warrior against his proud enemies and opponents. Who is like the LORD-majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? (11)
2. The LORD reigns for ever and ever (12-21)
Part two of the song looks forward to God's leading them into their new land, where God would dwell in his sanctuary. The LORD's unfailing love would lead his redeemed people and guide them to his holy dwelling (13). Their neighboring nations would fear and tremble at God's power. The LORD reigns forever. Miriam led the women in singing praises to the LORD.
Application: Lord, you are my strength, my defense and my salvation. There is none like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory. Lead us in your unfailing love.
One Word: Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted.