1. Foxes and fields on fire (1-8)
Samson went to visit his wife, but she had been given to another man. To get even, Samson decided to destroy their fields of grain, grapes and olives. He tied 300 fox tails together, set them on fire and let them loose in the fields. The Philistines retaliated by burning Samson's wife and father-in-law to death. Samson countered with a vicious slaughter.
2. A donkey's jawbone and thirsty cry (9-20)
The men of Judah were afraid of the Philistine rulers. So they tied up Samson and handed him over to the Philistines. The Spirit of the Lord again came powerfully upon Samson. He snapped the ropes and struck down 1000 Philistines with a donkey's jawbone. After this, Samson thought he would die of thirst, so he cried out to God. God gave him water and his strength revived. Samson's lawlessness and crying out to God was representative of the nation of Israel. God was merciful to them both.