1. The kingdoms of the world (24-43)
God, the Sovereign Ruler of history, had revealed to the king his plan for the world. Daniel received this revelation as he and his friends prayed; the next day he met the king. He proclaimed the God of heaven to the king, and told him both the contents of the dream and its meaning. The statue which the king saw in his dream symbolized successive world powers: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. The kingdoms of the world rise and fall according to the sovereign will of God. No kingdom made by men is eternal.
2. The eternal kingdom (44-49)
God promised to set up a kingdom that would never be destroyed. It would fill the earth, like the rock cut out of the mountain. Jesus, born during the time of the Roman Empire, is the king of the eternal kingdom. The most powerful king in the world received the testimony of a Jewish P.O.W., and worshiped God.
Application: Lord, help me to put my hope in your eternal kingdom--not in heads of gold or feet of clay.
One Word: God's kingdom endures forever