Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 81:1~16
Keyverse : 13

1. Sing for joy (1-7)

God wants his people to be joyful. When he redeemed them from bondage in Egypt, removing the burden from their shoulders, he ordained a time of feasting and celebration. He maintained a loving relationship with them (7). This joy belongs to everyone who has been set free from bondage to sin by the grace of God.

2. Hear, O my people (8-16)

When God's people listen to his word, he continues to bless them and satisfy all their needs. But God hates idolatry. Idolatry is unfaithfulness to the covenant relationship. God does not want our hearts to be divided. If God's people refuse to listen to his word, he will give them over to follow their own ways. This leads to disaster. When they listen to his word and follow his ways, he subdues their enemies and gives them peace and abundance.

Application: Lord, tear the idols from my heart; forgive me for following my own ways. Help me to listen to your word and obey you, and rejoice.
One Word: Listen to God's word, obey, and rejoice