Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 80:1~19
Keyverse : 19

1. You fed us the bread of tears (1-7)

The psalmist calls on the Lord three times: 'Restore us, O God; make your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved.' (3,7,19) God, the Good Shepherd, led his people in love, but they rebelled against him and he punished them with the bread of tears. They come to him, begging mercy.

2. Lord, you planted the vine (8-16)

They are God's people. He is like a farmer who brought a vine out of Egypt, cleared the land, and planted it. It flourished under his blessing and filled the land. But his people became idolatrous and corrupted, so he removed his hand of protection, and the vine was ruined.

3. The son of man at your right hand (17-19)

Restoration will come when God raises up the Son of Man to be the Savior and Shepherd of his people.

Application: Lord, thank you for Jesus the true vine. Help us to remain in him until we bear good fruit.
One Word: God's face has shined on us