Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 78:40~72
Keyverse : 72

1. They did not remember his power (40-55)

God's people grieved God because they forgot what he had done. He redeemed them from the oppressor Egypt by ten mighty acts of judgment. Just as a shepherd leads and protects his flock, he led them through the sea and desert to the border of his holy land. He drove the Canaanites out of the land and gave it to them as an inheritance.

2. As unreliable as a faulty bow (56-64)

They knew his laws but they did not keep them. A man with a faulty bow thinks he is armed for battle, but in the crucial time, he finds himself weaponless. God's anger was aroused by their unfaithfulness, so he allowed the Philistines to overrun them, even sending the ark of the covenant into captivity.

3. He chose the tribe of Judah (65-72)

God did not give up his redemptive purpose. He chose the tribe of Judah and appointed a true shepherd David to shepherd his people with integrity of heart.

Application: Lord, forgive our sins and raise up shepherds with integrity of heart.
One Word: God's love is a shepherd's love