Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 78:1~39
Keyverse : 7

1. Tell the next generation (1-8)

The psalmist teaches his children about God's mighty works of salvation and judgment. He teaches them God's laws, so they may keep them, and in turn, teach their children. If our hearts are loyal to God and our spirits faithful to him, then our children will believe what we teach them, put their trust in God, obey his laws, and live.

2. Failure in the desert (9-39)

Israel rebelled against God on the borders of the promised land. ('Ephraim' refers to Northern Israel.) The Israelites forgot God's mighty acts of judgment on Egypt. Though they were armed for battle, they were afraid of the Canaanites; they turned back. They continued to sin against God in the desert. God gave them manna and quail and water from the rock. But they complained about the food. He punished them for their ungrateful hearts and complaining mouths, but they kept on sinning. Even though they were not loyal to his covenant, he was merciful.

Application: Lord, help us to teach your laws and your grace and power to our children.
One Word: The high cost of forgetting God's grace