Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 75:1~10
Keyverse : 7

1. God holds up the pillars of the earth (1-3)

Let us give thanks to God. His deeds are awesome and wonderful. He is the one who appoints the time of judgment. The world and history as we know it will end on his time schedule. Each of us will stand before his judgment throne at his appointed time--no sooner, no later. He judges justly. When the world is in moral chaos and everything seems to be collapsing, God holds the pillars of the earth steady.

2. Praise the Sovereign God (4-10)

'Horn' represents power. Arrogance is wickedness. Men who believe in their own ability and defy God, who speak boastfully, from proud hearts, are wicked. God is the one who lifts men up; he is the one who brings men down. He cuts off the horns of the wicked and lifts up the horns of the righteous. He is the Judge, and the cup of his wrath is in his hand. When he pours it out, the wicked must drink it. As for me, I will sing God's praise forever.

Application: Lord, take the root of pride out of my heart; teach me to fear you alone.
One Word: God lifts up and God puts down