Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 74:1~23
Keyverse : 12

1. Is God's hand in his pocket? (1-11)

The psalmist looked at his devastated land and remembered the time when people had worshiped God and God had loved and protected them. Godless men had invaded the land and destroyed the temple. How long would God hold back his hand from destroying them? Today, also, godless people try to remove the worship of God from our land. When will God take his hand out of the folds of his garment (11)?

2. God is King and Savior (12-17)

Even though God is silent, the psalmist knows that he is in control. He is all powerful and he uses his power to bring salvation to all people.

3. Remember us, O Lord! (18-23)

He prays that God may remember his covenant, take note of the noisy enemies of God, and rise up to defend his cause.

Application: Lord, when godless people seek to remove the worship of God from our land, turn our hearts to you. Rise up and defend your cause.
One Word: God alone is our Savior