Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 70:1~5
Keyverse : 4

1. Come quickly to help me (1-3)

The psalmist was in a great battle. Some were seeking his life. Some were seeking his ruin. Some were waiting to gloat over his failure. He called on the Lord to come quickly to save him. I am also in a great battle. My enemy Satan is always seeking a way to defeat or destroy me by any means. I can only call on the Lord, 'Come quickly, O Lord, to help me.'

2. Those who seek God (4)

There are also those who seek God. To know God and glorify him must be our chief goal in life. All those who seek God may rejoice and be glad in him. Those who love his salvation can always say, 'Let God be exalted.'

3. Yet I am poor and needy (5)

God is more than willing to help us when we confess that we are poor and needy and that we long for his help. He is ready to save all who call on his name (Ro 10:13).

Application: Lord, come quickly and help me!
One Word: Those who seek God will find him