Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 68:1~35
Keyverse : 1

1. God triumphs and blesses (1-10)

Each time the Israelites broke camp and set out in their journey from Mt. Sinai to the promised land, Moses repeated the prayer of verse 1. God destroys his foes but lovingly cares for his own. He is a father to the fatherless; he sets the lonely in families; he gives prisoners real freedom. But the rebellious live in the desert of their own sin.

2. God triumphs through his word (11-14)

God triumphs through his word. He announced his word; great is the company of those who proclaim it. His enemies hear it and flee. He gives victory to his people, even while they sleep in camp.

3. God's triumphal procession (15-35)

The majestic mountains of Bashan look with envy on Mount Zion, where the Lord dwells. These verses look forward to Jesus who rose from death and ascended into heaven to save us from our enemy Satan (18; Eph 4:8). Our Savior daily bears our burdens (19). He defeats all the enemies of God. His victory procession stirs the heart.

Application: Lord, come and dwell with me to give me victory in life and death.
One Word: Our God gives victory