Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 67:1~7
Keyverse : 2

1. A channel of blessing (1-2)

God blesses his people so that he may be glorified. He wants his blessing to flow through his people to the whole world. We seek his blessing so that his ways may be known on earth and his salvation among all nations. To use God's blessing selfishly is to invite its loss.

2. God's just and righteous rule (3-4)

When God rules a nation, its people are truly blessed. They sing for joy because he rules the people with justice. God guides the nations of the earth in ways of peace and righteousness. May he come quickly to establish his righteous rule.

3. Then the land will yield its harvest (5-7)

When all the people worship and praise God, he will bless the land with fruitfulness and with abundant harvest. When the ungodly people of the world see God's blessing on his people, they will fear God and turn to him.

Application: Lord, bless us so that we may be a blessing. Let your ways be known on earth and your salvation come to all the nations.
One Word: May all the nations fear God