Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 66:1~20
Keyverse : 18,19

1. How awesome are your deeds! (1-12)

Almighty God has done great and awesome deeds. Praise be to his great name! His enemies cringe before him. All the earth bows down to him. Yet he has done great things for his people. He divided the waters of the Red Sea and the people walked out of slavery on dry ground. He trained his people in furnace fires to refine their faith until it became more precious than silver. Refined and purified faith is needed to bear God's blessings. Let us praise and thank God for his training.

2. Let me tell you what he has done for me (13-20)

The mighty God, Lord of nature and history, hears and answers prayer. But there are conditions: I must keep the promises I made to him when I was in trouble; I must thank him; I must not cherish sin in my heart. Praise God who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me.

Application: Lord, help me to pray. Cleanse my heart of hidden, cherished sin. Help me to keep my promises to you. Fill me with thanksgiving.
One Word: God answers prayer