Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 65:1~13
Keyverse : 5

1. God forgives our sins (1-4)

Men's lives are empty because their sins have cut them off from God, the source of life. We are powerless to solve our own or anyone else's sin problem. But God hears our prayer. He invites all people to come to him. When we come, overwhelmed by sins, God forgives us and removes the burden of guilt. God himself made atonement for our sins (Jn 1:29). He invites forgiven sinners to come and dwell with him. This is the greatest blessing of life.

2. God's awesome deeds (5-13)

The Creator God formed the mountains; he stills the roaring sea and the turmoil of the nations, for he is Sovereign Ruler of all his creation. He takes care of the land and the water and enriches the earth with rain. He makes men and nations fruitful and joyful. Indeed, all the ends of the earth may hope in God our Savior and Sustainer.

Application: Lord, my Creator and Savior, thank you for choosing me and bringing me near to you to forgive my sins and give me hope. You are my hope and the hope of all the earth.
One Word: God is the hope of all the earth