Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 64:1~10
Keyverse : 9

1. Those who sharpen their tongues (1-6)

Men in leadership positions are vulnerable to attack. The psalmist is especially aware of the evil plans which crafty men devise against him. Satan is always seeking an opportunity to destroy God's servants with words. He uses gossip, lies, half-truths, slander, etc.

2. God will shoot them with arrows (7-8)

God is wiser than men. No matter how much evil men encourage each other in evil or how perfect are the plans they make, they cannot defeat God. God will shoot them with arrows; he will turn their own tongues against them.

3. All mankind will fear the Lord (9-10)

When God defeats the enemies of his servants, all people will fear God's name; the wicked will tremble; the righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him.

Application: Lord, protect your servants from Satan's attack. Let all mankind fear you and proclaim your mighty works.
One Word: Ponder what the Lord has done