Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 61:1~8
Keyverse : 2

1. Hear my cry, O Lord (1-5)

David was a king. He was a leader of men and a powerful warrior. But he knew that there was a Rock that was higher than he. He called on God for help. He asked to be led to the 'rock that is higher than I.' Truly great men are humble men who call out to God in prayer. David committed his life to God. He was powerful and wealthy, but he valued most the 'heritage of those who feared the Lord.' God establishes the king who fears God and makes vows before him.

2. Protected by God's love and faithfulness (6-8)

God promised to enthrone King David forever. He would fulfill this promise in Jesus, the descendant of David who would reign forever (Lk 1:32,33). Because Jesus our King is enthroned forever, we must praise God and fulfill our vows to him every day.

Application: Lord, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. I am weak, but you are strong. Help me to fulfill my vows to you today.
One Word: Jesus is my Rock