Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 60:1~12
Keyverse : 11,12

1. You have been angry, now restore (1-4)

Israel had been weak and disunited, and had suffered defeat in the last days of Saul. The deep fracture in the land continued for seven years after Saul's death. Then David was crowned king of the united kingdom. David loved God, and God gave him victory wherever he went. God raised a banner of victory (4) over him. David united the northern and southern parts of Israel to make one united kingdom, then he secured his borders and expanded the empire (1Ch 18 & 19). This Psalm celebrates his victories. David was God's appointed shepherd for his people.

2. With God we will gain the victory (5-12)

God blessed his servant David with victory. God spoke from his sanctuary about his people: 'Ephraim (Northern Israel) is my helmet; Judah is my scepter.' God's enemies who had harassed the people for so long--Moab, Edom, Philistia--were defeated. David concluded, 'Man's help is worthless; with God we will gain victory.' God's people need a shepherd who loves God.

Application: Lord, forgive my foolishness in looking to weak human beings for help. You alone give victory.
One Word: With God we have victory