Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 59:1~17
Keyverse : 16

1. Like snarling dogs (1-8)

David was a national hero. He loved Israel and defended her when powerful enemy nations attacked. But he had a personal enemy. King Saul, in his jealousy, sought David's life. He sent fierce and bloodthirsty men to lie in wait to kill him. They were like snarling dogs who return at evening to prowl around the city (6,14). They also spread vicious lies and slander about him. He could not fight back because he could not fight the king.

2. O my Strength, my loving God (9-17)

David asks God's help, for he himself is helpless. He can't fight his enemy, but he prays that the strong hand of God who loves him might be his shield (11). He asks God not to kill his enemy, nor the enemy's agents, but to expose them for what they are (12), and make them wander about helplessly (11). Then all the world would know the power of Almighty God. God is a strong God. He loves his servant, and his servant's desire is to honor and glorify God.

Application: Lord, you are my refuge and my Strength; help me to glorify your name in any situation.
One Word: Praise God, my Strength