Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 57:1~11
Keyverse : 9

1. God will fulfill his purpose for me (1-5)

The Psalmist is in great distress. He is attacked by men whose tongues are sharp swords. They tear him apart with criticism and slanderous lies and insults. He feels that he is among ravenous lions, but he calls on God for mercy. He takes refuge in God. He cries out to God who has a good purpose for his life, and he is sure that God will protect him and rescue him and fulfill that good purpose in and through him. He prays that God's glory may be over all the earth (5,11).

2. I will praise you among the nations (6-11)

God's purpose is a world mission purpose. The enemies who sought the life of the Psalmist life fell into their own trap. God saved him so that he could praise God's name among the nations. Now, he will tell of the great love and faithfulness of God to all the people of the world. His heart is steadfast; his joy overflows from his heart in a joyful song.

Application: Lord, rescue me from my enemy the devil and use me to make your love and faithfulness known among all the nations.
One Word: Praise God among the nations