Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 8:1~9
Keyverse : 1

1. Your glory is set above the heavens

David begins and ends with a shout of praise to the majesty of God. Perhaps the shepherd boy David welcomed the sun one glorious morning, and exclaimed, 'You have set your glory above the heavens.' Proud and rebellious men do not praise God, but little children look with awe at God's marvelous works of creation, and from their lips comes praise. Jesus remembered verse 2 when he entered Jerusalem triumphantly.

2. What is man?

When David looked up at the starry sky, he thought about the vastness of God's universe. Man is only a tiny speck. How could the great and glorious God care about him? If we ignore God, we become meaningless specks in the vast sea of the infinite universe. But when we acknowledge him as our Creator and Lord, we find that he created us for mission--to be stewards of his universe. He created us for his glory.

Application: Lord, thank you for caring about me and for creating me to do your good work.
One Word: Glorify his majestic name