Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 7:1~17
Keyverse : 10

1. If there is guilt on my hands...(1-9)

Sometimes the world seems devoid of justice. Even though he was guilty of no disloyalty, David was pursued endlessly by King Saul. There were other times when he was misunderstood and accused unjustly. He had not been the aggressor, but his life was threatened. There was no one to defend him, so he laid his case before God. He discovered that he couldn't trust people. So he asked God who is righteous and who searches the minds and hearts of men to be the judge and bring an end to violence. He trusted God to make him secure.

2. God is my Shield (10-17)

God protects the innocent who put their trust in him. God is a righteous judge; he pursues and destroys those who are full of evil desires but do not repent. He allows violent men to fall into their own trap. He punishes the guilty and saves the upright, for he is just.

Application: Lord, cleanse me from sin, so that I may be included among the righteous.
One Word: God is my shield