Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : Psalm 6:1~10
Keyverse : 9

1. In times of deep distress (1-7)

David was in great anguish of soul. Perhaps he was physically sick; perhaps he was harassed by enemies; perhaps he was tempted by his own sinful desires and knew that Satan was waging war on his soul. Perhaps he was overwhelmed by guilt. Whatever his problem was, he did not give up. He called on the Lord for mercy and deliverance. He asked God to save him because of God's love. He reminded God that dead men can't remember God or praise him from the grave. He wept like a child before God, and he didn't give up.

2. A sure sense of victory (8-10)

After his prayer, David shouted, 'Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping.' He was confident that God heard his weeping prayer and accepted him. He was sure that God would give him victory.

Application: Lord, teach me to pray and not give up in times of deep distress. Help me to pray until you give me a sense of victory.
One Word: The Lord accepts my prayers