1. Celebrate the Passover (21-23)
Josiah returned to Jerusalem from his idol-smashing crusade and ordered the people to celebrate the Passover. He did this in order to obey the written word of God. It was the most joyful and lavish celebration of all Israel's history. Josiah remembered God's grace of deliverance, and he wanted his people to remember and restore their broken relationship with God.
2. More reforms (24-25)
Josiah continued his purge of idolatry, seeking with all his heart to follow the word of God, the Book which Hilkiah had discovered in the temple. He tried with all his heart and strength to obey God's word.
3. Nevertheless... (26-30)
But it was too late. Idolatry and immorality had corroded the moral fiber of the nation, and God's decision was firm. Only a remnant would be spared. Josiah was mercifully killed in battle (22:20; 23:29).
Application: Lord, have mercy on our land. Raise up men like Josiah in this land.
One Word: One faithful man