1. 2 kings of Judah (1-7; 32-38)
Uzziah (Azariah) and his son Jotham tried to honor God, so God blessed Judah during their long reigns. They were successful administrators and they tried to do right in the eyes of the Lord; but they did not remove the high places--the remnants of Canaanite idolatry. Uzziah became presumptuous in his old age, and God punished him (2Ch 26:16).
2. The violent history of Israel (8-31)
While Judah was enjoying comparative peace and prosperity under King Uzziah, Israel was disintegrating in revolution. One corrupt king followed another in rapid succession. Almost all--Zechariah, Shallum, Pekahiah, and Pekah--met violent deaths at the hands of assassins. Menahem was a man of violence. They all 'did evil in the sight of the Lord.' The Lord's hand of judgment was beginning to fall; the Assyrians had begun their conquest of Israel.
Application: Lord, raise up men who will see our nation's problems as spiritual problems, and lead our people to repentance.
One Word: Do right in the eyes of the Lord