Daily Bread Content


Date : Jan 01, 2000
Passage : 2Samuel 16:1~23
Keyverse : 12

1. Ziba, Mephibosheth and Shimei (1-14)

When a great man is in trouble, those around him show their true colors. Was Ziba a true friend or an opportunist? He brought David needed supplies, but his news about Mephibosheth's ingratitude and greed made David's heart sad. Later, Mephibosheth accused Ziba of lying (19:24-29). Shimei cursed David and pelted him with dirt, calling him a man of blood. Abishai wanted to cut off that 'dead dog's' head, but David accepted the cursing and gave it to the Lord, just as he had given honor and love and glory to the Lord in the past. David trusted God to repay him with good because of the cursing.

2. Ahithophel's advice (15-23)

Both David and Absalom had high regard for Ahithophel's advice (23). David prayed that God would turn his advice into foolishness (15:31). Absalom followed his first advice and slept with his father's concubines, thereby fulfilling Nathan's prophecy (12: 11) and demonstrating that his break with his father was irrevocable.

Application: Lord, teach me not to lose my temper when insulted. Help me to wait on your solution.
One Word: God will repay