1. The heavens will disappear with a roar
The day of the Lord will come suddenly, without any warning, like a thief in the night. The elements of heaven and earth will be burned up. It is the day of God's judgment on all unrepentant sinners. God has promised to those who believe in his word a new heaven and a new earth, the home of the righteous.
2. Make every effort to be blameless
Since we believe God's promises, we must make every effort to be one of the righteous--those who are spotless and blameless and at peace with God. Only a repentant heart, washed in the blood of Jesus, can have such purity and peace. God is not slow in keeping his promises. His patience gives all men a chance to be saved. Peter points out that he is in full agreement with Paul's writings, which, like some other Scripture, are hard to understand. We must not distort the Scripture--even if we don't fully understand it.
Application: Lord, help me by your grace and tender mercy to be ready when the day of the Lord comes.
One Word: The home of the righteous